Inner Peace

Inner Peace

Are you a hard worker? This can be yours!

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Why invest in SFI ?

There are numerous reasons to invest in SFI. It is easy to do and you have a lot of resources that teach you how to use your SFI business to the maximum efficiency. There also needs to be a looked at what is meant by "Why should I invest in SFI", from the point of view of investing time, it is time efficient to work on this business as you can slowly build up your business with between 30 mins and 2 hours a day depending on how easily you learn and establish what works best for you to build your business. Investing in monetary sense it is not compusary but if you do invest in monetary value you build or can build your business faster, and if you invest by buying products through Tripleclicks you get paid commission as well and if you promote products on Tripleclicks and someone buys through your referral (i.e a PSA) you get a big commission of 45% CV.

But the most important reason to invest in SFI, is if you are patient and want to build a long lasting, residual income and are willing to grind a bit and work hard to establish the level of efficiency to sustain your business even if you can't get around to doing anything for a few days then there is no better place to be than SFI, if you can teach people to be just as good an entrepreneur as you are then, with the help of your own upline and SFI's brilliant training material, such as Launchpad and Ask SC and Forums. Give it a try for atleast 1.5 years and work diligently for atleast 30 mins to and hour and your will reap rewards that are almost unimaginable.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Reasons for joining and building the SFI business

There are a thousand and one reasons for joining and building the SFI business. Here are just a few:

1) It's free - even the training is free - there is no start up cost

2) The business works and you can earn while you learn

3) There's no more effective support system anywhere to help someone become successful

4) The business is fun and exciting

5) Everyone knows people who are struggling financially, looking for a way to earn extra income - now they have an answer for those people - who can they help in their world?

6) Nearly everyone understands the need to be in business for themselves, but few have the means until now.

7) There is no limits to how much you can earn in this business

8) This business is truly international - you can personally sponsor someone from across the globe as easily as your next door neighbor

9) Nobody cares who you are, what race or creed you are, what sex you are, what religion, what school you went to, what country you are from - there are no limitations in this business

10) This is a business beyond borders - even in closed societies, people can build this business and develop international income

11) It can be built on a part time basis while someone is working a regular job

12) It can also give you freedom from a job you no longer enjoy.

Need I say more? This business is perfect for anyone who is the least bit ambitious, and who is willing to work for what they want out of life.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

This week’s W3 Cash Drawing Winner

Mirko Zulian of Gaiofana di Rimini, ITALY, just won $250 in the WAVE3 weekly cash drawing. Congrats, Mirko!

Next week, it could be YOU. For each W3 member you refer, you receive an entry in our weekly drawing (winners drawn each Tuesday). Ten runners-up are also drawn and each receive 50 free TCredits. For 17 ways you can generate referrals,click on the Wave3 banner !

Sunday, 17 August 2014

What is SFI ?

Hi Friend !

1. How does SFI (Strong Future Internationl)  work ?

The basic working principle of SFI are :

a. SFI is a International Online Marketing Group that promote its online store called
b. For promoting SFI chooses a method called "Affiliate Program"
c. That is, many willing people joins SFI as Affiliates and starts to promote SFI as well as through varies marketing methods and marketing aids of SFI along with their unique affiliate link encoded with their affiliate ID number
d. Each affiliate form a team under themselves as Personal Referred Affiliates, when the PSAs starts to work as their leader through duplication actively, then the commissions were sanctioned to them depending upon their works.
e. The works (daily tasks) gives versa points (VP) to each affiliates which are then converted to cash in dollars.
f. When the affiliates earns more vps they become Executive Affiliate, Executive Affiliate for 2 months, Bronze Team Leader, Silver Team Leader,Gold Team Leader and Platinum Team Leader Rank status.
g. When the down line PSAs earn these status starting from EA2, then sponsors earn their matching vp shares in multiple fold based on their Ranks and so the PSAs do earn from their down line likewise. This moves to 12 generation commission.
h. SFI also produce multiple stream of income through its compensation plans like : TripleClicks Executive Pool, Direct commissions, Co-sponsor commissions, TCredit Bonus, E-Commerce A Referral Program and SFI Pay-per-action.

2. What do we do at SFI?

a. Our main goal is to earn commission, for this we need to earn vps, the more vp we earn the more commission we can achieve.
b. Our next goal is to form a group under us, for this we try to sponsor some affiliates with our affiliate gateway links. The more active affiliates we have under us the more commission we can achieve.

To achieve these do goals, we are doing some tasks daily

1. To earn commission, we do the daily task that are given in the To-Do-list provided in our homepage (free website to work with in SFI) which will earn vps and which in turn converted to commissions.
Commissions can be achieved through the compensation plan methods also.

2. To earn affiliates, we use the marketing strategies along with the marketing aids given in SFI and start to promote our affiliate links in advertising sites like facebook, twitter, pinterest as well as in many classified sites for advertisement. We even canvas prospects through phone calls, video chats, skype, conferencing, seminars, you tube videos, websites, blogs, job offer sites, newspapers ads, flyers, splash pages, etc., and over all 'word of mouth'.

Hope this answer your question

All the very best for your Success in SFI

Friday, 4 July 2014

I just won!

BOOM!  I just won a 35 Co-Sponsored Affiliates (CSAs) for $2.14 at the Pricebenders Auctions at TripleClicks! 

Normally 35 Co-Sponsored Affiliates will cost you $ 63.00.  By bidding on Pricebenders Auctions  at Tripleclicks Store, I won a big bargain.

 I instantly strengthen my team and boost my potential earning power with a group of newly joined SFI affiliates assigned to me as their co-sponsor! 

For every item that a co-sponsored affiliate sell at Tripleclicks, I will recieve 15% of the selling price......awesome!

Thursday, 29 May 2014

You get 3 Online Home Businesses with SFI

Welcome to my blog again

My name is Elzabe Westhuizen. I’m currently a Bronze Team Leader with SFI and I own and run a few blogs. I show people interested in making an online income exactly how to start, market and run a successful internet business. I started this blog simply to tell people of a REAL online internet business.

There are thousands of affiliate businesses out there but only a select few that stand head and shoulders above the rest. SFI stands at the very top of the best businesses because of the way it’s structured and the way it’s run. I don’t have to tell you about all the affiliate businesses that promise you the world where only a few people at the very top make most money. SFI is structured so this will never happen, and someone joining today can make as much money as they want jsimply by working their business.

I have a question for you. Why would anyone want to join a single affiliate business when SFI gives you three?

I’ve been with SFI for two reasons.

1. I refuse to waste my time and efforts on something that won’t pay me well for my efforts and let me run my business the way I want to run it and…
2. It’s simply the best affiliate business out there and keeps getting better each month. Joining SFI alone allows you to be paid 6 different ways.

I did,as always, when considering an online business (and you should too) by going to the Better Business Bureau and checking them out. Put simply, I was so impressed there was no way I couldn’t join. My SFI sponsor put his children through college on his SFI earnings alone. I’m not at that point yet, but I love working with people and watching them achieve their goals. It’s very rewarding. Here at SFI we’re a family. Anyone on my team with SFI , will drop what they are doing to help, and most others with an SFI business will do the same. The business is that special and that rewarding.

When you  JOIN SFI, you’ll also get a Triple Clicks Superstore in addition to your main SFI business. In addition to that, if you have your own business, either brick and mortar or online, you can become an E-Commerce Associate and open your own ECA STORE.

So, why in the world would you start a single online business when you could get three? And it is FREE.
SFI also offer thousands of dollars of free training that is updated continuously as the internet changes.

I honestly love helping people and doing anything I can to help them achieve their dreams and secure their future, as I am mine. If you already own an SFI business, you know how rewarding and profitable it is.

If you aren't an Affiliate yet, join our team right now and get started on the future you and your family deserve! I’ll personally welcome you to the Team and help you get started!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Does SFI work?

I am a working mom all my life. For years now I am looking for a extra income opportunity online. Tried many. Several schemes,which promised quick and easy income.It does not exits! Now in 2014 I came across Strong Future International (SFI) Marketing Group. An international company, established since 1998, is a Network Marketing Business. Started with only one product, SFI opened it's own sub-division, Tripleclicks international superstore, which now features over 100,000 products and services. I am proud to work with great company such as SFI Marketing Group. Signing up with SFI is FREE. SFI is a worldwide opportunity that let you to earn immediately either with a little or Zero out-of-pocket investment to start your journey towards achieving financial freedom in life. You can really trust SFI. Now entering its 16th successful years, SFI has proven that it is the most reliable and trusted online business with steady source of income. The honesty and integrity of SFI is so strong. Other business opportunities online are either they want money and more money for nothing in return or had so much hype about what their program would do and how fast you can earn. But SFI does not do that. SFI provides the best learning opportunities and extensive training needed to build a profitable home business. You don’t have to be an internet savvy or experienced internet marketer to earn online. A strong support and training mechanism is put in place for everybody from day one with an assigned sponsor, co-sponsor and up to six Team Leaders. SFI is a genuine and real business that gives REAL MONEY. Earning potential in SFI has no limit. You dictate how much you want to earn every month. So...the main question that many people ask 'Does SFI Work?' I would say 'Yes! If only you WORK IT!'. The bottom line is you'll get out of your business what you put into it. It works...if you do. But that's the beauty of it, too; you are in control — it's up to you how far you take it. And don't forget, SFI offers the opportunity to earn residual income. This basically means that for the work you do just today, you have the potential to earn money not only for today but also for potentially years to come. With all the reasons I pointed out, if you are not a SFI Affiliate yet,I invite you to join my team. “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible” - Victor Aguirre I wish you the best and success in your endeavor. Aim High, Dream Big! Join me and thousands others Successful SFI Affiliates, Click Here.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Why this home based business?

I have been in this business for nearly 2 months now-and my views would be as follows:
1. It is a home based business and this is appealing particularly to those who are not permanently employed. SFI provides an opportunity to earn without spending and receiving the training while you learn on the job is equally convincing.
  2. In today's era of internet revolution where most households have internet connection, it is easy to utilise the resources you have to earn rather than just use the internet to browse and not earn.
  3. SFI's consistent progress and its long history of online success is another factor that will enable prospective Affiliates to realise its repute.
  4. It is a business where the family can participate in the success of one member by giving support and encouragement in various ways - this long term benefit is bound to convince new members to join.
  5. There is no capital investment required at the time of joining and this immediately creates enthusiasm. Most businesses need huge investment but SFI has no such requirements. Yes, how much you will invest at a later date will also depend entirely on the individual therefore there is no compulsion.
  6. The SFI business is viable not just for one age group and this versatility gives people in different circumstances to join-there are no restrictions.
7. SFI is a easy and very supportive program.You can do it on your cellphone, long as you've got internet.

These are the main factors that I feel help people convince to join SFI.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Income Blessing: Let me tell you about my Blessing!

Income Blessing: Let me tell you about my Blessing!: This is my second month as an affiliate with SFI. I've already learned a lot about online marketing and how to use it as a extra income...

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Let my tell you about my Blessing!

This is my second month as an affiliate with SFI. I've already learned a lot about online marketing and how to use it as a extra income. Thank you SFI!

SFI(Secure Future International) was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution.

 Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.

Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate.

 For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups.

I have tried many schemes online, some scams and some you need to upgrade later. SFI is  a  REAL business . You just need to work hard and do it every day. The best part FREE!

What a Blessing.